When a person starts carrier in hacking, he/she gets furious to know more about the vast field of hacking and for all of the beginners CMD comes as a boon which let them do anything with PC/Laptop. Some of the really useful commands that can prove handy are:
Firstly we need to enable Netbios and for that go to Network Connection>>Properties>>TCP/IP>>Properties>>Advanced>>WINS>>Select Default for NetBios. Now press start key and in run type cmd and an interface will open to try some really good commands that are:
1. Ping: This command which give you the information if the targeted host is alive. Type ping x.x.x.x or ping www.google.com (Or the website you want to ping).
2. Nslookup: It can resolve DNS into IP address easily. Though, it can do several other functions too. You can even send a spoofed email to your friend using IP address of mail server. The steps to find IP address of mail server are:
Set type=mx(enter)
3. Tracert: This command is beneficial when someone want to trace the route a packet follow to reach the destination.
tracert x.x.x.x or www.google.com
4. ARP: It stands for Address Resolution Protocol. You can check if someone has done ARP poisioning on your LAN network. The command to find this is:
5. Ipconfig: This command gives a lot of information like IP address, Gateway, DNS etc. The command to use are:
Ipconfig or Ipconfig/all.
You can even change the dynamic IP of your network using the following command:
Ipconfig/ release ( release your IP)
Ipconfig/renew ( renew your IP)
Ipconfig/flushdns( flush your DNS settings)
6. netstat: This command shows connection stats:
netstat -a( show all listing ports and connection with DNS names)
netstat-n( show all the open connection with IP address)
netstat-an( combine both the above commands)
7. Net View: This command will allow you to see sharing folders on targeted box.
Net view x.x.x.x or computer name
So, these are some useful commands that every person who dream to become a hacker should know.
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